Le 13 février, le séminaire IDEA / LIS accueillera une conférence de Carlos de Pablos-Ortega (University of East Anglia) intitulée "Audiovisual Translation and Accessibility: Principles and Challenges".
Elle aura lieu en salle A334 sur le Campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines, à Nancy, de 17h à 18h30.
"This seminar will focus on the principles in the creation of interlingual subtitles for d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences and its challenges from both technical and linguistic angles. In the first part of the seminar, the basics of AVT and its technical elements for the creation of subtitles will be introduced and this will be followed by an analysis, reflection and discussion on the challenges posed by making the subtitles accessible to audiences with auditory impairments."
Plus d'informations sur le site d'IDEA : https://idea.univ-lorraine.fr/