-- French version --
Matinée d'étude sur les corpus issus des réseaux sociaux
Objectif : présentations et échanges autour de travaux sur des corpus issus des réseaux sociaux.
Langue : Anglaise
Des doctorantes et doctorants de la communauté OLKi (Open Language and Knowledge for citizens) présenteront leur travaux :
Tomara GOTKOVA (ATILF) - Using the social networks Twitter and Reddit as a reference corpus for exploring lay people communication on environmental issues
Nicolas DANTE (IECL) - Persistence of information on social networks
Marie TOMASZEWSKI (CREM) - The issues raised by data gathering on Twitter due to the opacity of its moderation
Tulika BOSE (LORIA) - Topic modeling and detection of online hate speech
Ashwin Geet D'SA (LORIA) - Classification of hate speech using deep neural networks
Participation dans la limite des places disponibles. Merci de manifester votre intérêt auprès d'Aurore Coince, Projet Manager (
avant le 6 sept 2020.
-- English version --
Study session on social networks corpora
Main goal: allow scientists working on data from social networks to interact, to exchange about their challenges and to share their good practices.
Language : English
Ph.D students will present their work:
Tomara GOTKOVA (ATILF) - Using the social networks Twitter and Reddit as a reference corpus for exploring lay people communication on environmental issues
Nicolas DANTE (IECL) - Persistence of information on social networks
Marie TOMASZEWSKI (CREM) - The issues raised by data gathering on Twitter due to the opacity of its moderation
Tulika BOSE (LORIA) - Topic modeling and detection of online hate speech
Ashwin Geet D'SA (LORIA) - Classification of hate speech using deep neural networks