Colloquium Loria Ian F. Akyildiz

Vendredi 21 juin 2019 - 13:30 - 14:30
Loria - Amphithéâtre
Campus scientifique BP 239

Pour le prochain colloquium du Loria, nous accueillerons le vendredi 21 juin dans l’amphithéâtre, à 11h00Antonio IERA,  professeur à l’Université de Reggio de Calabre et à 13h30Ian F. AKYILDIZ, professeur à l’Institut de Technologie de Géorgie et Directeur du laboratoire BWN (Broadband Wireless Networking).

Ian F. AKYILDIZ, à 13h30

L’exposé s’intitulera : Internet of Space Things based on New CubeSats Design and SDN/NFV Architecture


Résumé :

The Internet of Things (IoT) for terrestrial deployments is a major part of the next generation 5G wireless systems. However, there are many use cases such as monitoring remote areas, terrain monitoring including North and South poles, intelligent global transport management, etc. which require a more global, scalable, flexible and resilient solution.

In this talk, a novel architecture of the Internet of Space Things (IoST) is introduced stemming from the fast development and application of newly designed CubeSats with compact hybrid THz/Ku/X band frequency transceivers and antenna arrays. The proposed IoST architecture is based on THz band communication for achieving terabit-per-second throughputs among CubeSats.

Furthermore, software-defined networking (SDN), and network function virtualization (NFV) have been incorporated to effectively separate the abstraction of functionalities from the hardware by decoupling the data forwarding plane from the control plane, such separation is of prime importance given the limited onboard processing on CubeSats. Additionally, key parameters in the constellation design including the coverage footprint and number of CubeSats as well as orbital planes, etc. are investigated for feasibility and deployment studies at different altitudes in the exosphere orbit (800 km and above).

Through the new IoST architecture, a much broader spatial and service domain with greatly enhanced efficacy can be served than with the traditional IoT solutions.


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