Colloquium Loria 2017 : R. Ramanujam

Jeudi 18 mai 2017 - 13:30 - 15:00
615 rue du Jardin Botanique
54800 Villers les Nancy

Le prochain exposé du colloquium 2017 du Loria aura lieu le jeudi 18 mai à 13h30 dans l’amphithéâtre.

Nous accueillerons R. Ramanujam, professeur à l’IMSc – Institute of Mathematical Sciences de Chennai, en Inde. Après avoir obtenu un doctorat en informatique théorique au Tata Institute of Fundamental Research de Mumbai, R. Ramanujam a effectué son post-doctorat à New York. Ses axes de recherche majeurs sont la logique mathématique et philosophique et leurs applications à la théorie des systèmes distribués, la théorie du jeu et les protocoles de sécurité. Il fait partie du comité de rédaction de l’ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, et il est très impliqué dans l’Indian Association for Research in Computing Science et dans l’Association for Logic in India.

Son exposé est intitulé « Logical dynamics in large games ».


How would you strategize in a game with say, 50 players?
If the game were repeated many times, and you saw that your neighbour was doing well in several previous rounds, would you be tempted to imitate that neighbour in the next round?
Would that be {\em rational} on your part?
In games with a large number of players, outcomes are associated not with the actual tuple of strategies chosen by players but with the distribution of what fraction of players choose which move.
The pattern of reasoning in such games is different from those in which all players know each others’ types. We discuss Nash equilibria, and some logical / automata theoretic formulations of stability in such games.


Ramanujam got his ph.d. in theoretical computer science from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. After a post-doctoral stint in New York, he joined the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, where he is currently professor.
His research interests are in mathematical and philosophical logics and their applications to theory of distributed systems, game theory and security theory.
He is on the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, and has been actively involved in the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science as well as the Association for Logic in India.


A noter : toute personne extérieure au laboratoire devra s'inscrire avant le 16 mai auprès de Marie Baron : marie.baron [at]