Day on citizen trust and informatics

Mardi 9 novembre 2021 - 10:45 - 17:00
Invitation journée OLKi DigiTrust

Recent events — from the CoViD-19 pandemic to various electoral scandals — have shown that the public’s trust has major impacts not just on policy-making but on the political effectiveness of said policies. On the technological front, one way of addressing the issue has been to build systems that do not rely on a central authority, and where the security depends on decentralised actions by all the users. However, whether it concerns electronic voting or vaccination status, technical solutions face an uphill fight to obtain public acceptance.

This one-day event brings experts from multiple interrelated fields such as voting systems, accessibility technologies and cybersecurity. They will exchange insights on the impact of public trust on new technological designs, as well as the reciprocal.

Link to the videoconference


10:45 Introduction : Christophe CERISARA (OLKi) and Enka BLANCHARD (DigiTrust)

11:00-12:00 Opening conference on citizen trust in Taiwan during the Covid-19 situation by Audrey TANG, Digital Minister of Taiwan.

Audrey Tang is a leading figure in East Asian open-source communities and has been Taiwan’s Digital Minister since 2016, an interesting position for a self-identified anarchist who challenges traditional hierarchical structures on an daily basis. A central part of their work has been on making governemnental websites more accessible to all netizens and promoting full transparency of governmental data. They’ve been at the core of vTaiwan, one of the most successful participatory democracy projects ever created which has had tangible impact on Taiwanese policy-making and legislature.

12:00-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-15:10 E-democracy and citizen acceptance of technologies

Chaire: Ksenia ERMOSHINA (Centre for Internet and Society, CNRS (CIS UPR 2000)

- Véronique CORTIER (LORIA)


- David MONNIAUX (VERIMAG, Grenoble) [to be confirmed]

15:15-16:55 Trust and technological support systems


- Ted SELKER (UMBC Center for Cybersecurity)

- Ashley SHEW (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)


16:55-17:00 Conclusion by Enka BLANCHARD