TC Europe

26 mars 2024 | [TCF] Video games like Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley can inspire players to look after nature

The recent release of the video game Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley marks a continued rise in video games engaging with the climate and ecological crises. However, unlike other games, the plot of Melody of Moominvalley, as mentioned in the trailer, is “about restoring harmony with nature”.

11 janvier 2024 | [TCF] Why AI software ‘softening’ accents is problematic

“Why isn’t it a beautiful thing?” a puzzled Sharath Keshava Narayana asked of his AI device masking accents. Produced by his company, Sanas, this recent technology seeks to “soften” the accents of call centre workers in real-time to allegedly shield them from bias and discrimination.

27 novembre 2023 | [TCF] Ultratrails, deep dives, outer space: how extraordinary personalities adapt to extreme conditions

Kilian Jornet won the 2022 Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (distance 170 kilometres, elevation gain 10,000 metres) in 19 hours 49 minutes and 30 seconds. Stéphanie Gicquel skied 2,045 kilometres in 74 days, crossing Antarctica to reach the South Pole in temperatures as low as -50°...
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